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Home Inventory 3 3 1 – Easily Inventory Your Possessions

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Use technology to make your home inventory easier A simple pencil and paper will suffice, but technology can make creating a home inventory much easier. Take pictures – Create a photo record of your belongings. Capture important individual items as well as entire rooms, closets or drawers. Inventory your home or business possessions rapidly with this easy to use app! Capture images using the camera capabilities of any windows device and add item names and descriptions. This is the free release which only has the following limitations:. Maximum of 25 items per database (unlimited number of inventory database files). Supported. Tip #3—Secure Your Inventory. An inventory doesn't help much if you keep it in the house and your home burns to the ground. If your video is digital (highly recommended), consider storing the file in a 'cloud' account, rather than on your computer, or on a USB stick stored in a safety deposit box. Tip #4—Keep Your Inventory Updated.

  1. Home Inventory 3 3 1 – Easily Inventory Your Possessions For A
  2. Home Inventory 3 3 1 – Easily Inventory Your Possessions Will

Provided by TechGirl Financial


It is helpful for insurance purposes.

How to create a home inventory. Creating a home inventory is easy. Here are the steps: 1. Take pics of things you own. Go room to room in your home take a pic each item that you'd want cash for if your apartment burned down (this is going to be a lot of items!) Shoot basic photos of each item, plus close-up photos of serial numbers (or write.

It's great tohave insurance against damage and loss, but if you can't show proof of yourpossessions, it may result in a protracted settlement process with yourinsurance company.1

Stumbler 103 3 – find local wireless networks inc. FourTips for Creating an Inventory. Creating an inventorymay take a bit of upfront work, but it can pay future benefits in smoothing theclaims settlement process with your insurer as well as increase the potentialof receiving the maximum payment possible.

Tip#1 – Make a Video of Your Possessions. A visual record ofyour possessions is the best proof of ownership. When videoing your homecontents, make sure you are methodical and thorough in going through all yourrooms and storage spaces. Speak while you are taping to describe each item;include any relevant information (e.g., 'this is a signed first edition of'Moby Dick.').

Tip#2 – Document Value of Your Items. Scan or video receiptsof the items in your home. Indicate the make and model where appropriate. Ifyou have artwork or antiques, consider creating a record of any appraisal youmay have received on your collectibles.

Tip#3 – Secure Your Inventory. An inventory doesn't help much if youkeep it in the house and your home burns to the ground. If your video isdigital (highly recommended), consider storing the file in a 'cloud' accountrather than on your computer, or alternately, on a USB stick stored in a safetydeposit box.

Tip#4 – Keep Your Inventory Updated. Failure to regularlyupdate your inventory may mean unintentionally leaving off expensive newpurchases.

Get started byasking your insurance agent if they have an inventory checklist, which may helpyou remember to include items that you might otherwise overlook.

Kim Gaxiola CFP® may bereached at 800.584.3652 or at

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Home Inventory 3 3 1 – Easily Inventory Your Possessions For A


1 –[3/3/19]

Home Inventory 3 3 1 – Easily Inventory Your Possessions Will

Best practices, family, valuables

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